


Massage parlour: Tantric Collective London

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21-25 Men Paddington , Central London, United Kingdom

Discover Sensual Serenity in Paddington with Mia

Discover Sensual Serenity in Paddington with Mia

Dive deep into a world of tactile allure with Mia – the radiant, golden-haired European enchantress of the Tantric Collective in Paddington. With her svelte physique honed in the gym, Mia isn't just any masseuse; she's a devoted artisan of touch, ensuring that every sensation is nothing short of sublime.

Paddington's Oasis of Relaxation – Incalls and Central London Excursions

In the heart of Paddington, Mia's serene haven awaits, a private, hushed space where her guests can immerse in the magic of her touch. For those who wish to experience her skills in the familiarity of their own surroundings, Mia is also available for select outcalls in Central London.

Stepping into Mia's realm, you're embraced by an environment that prioritises your relaxation. Every detail – from plush towels to curated refreshments – is chosen to enhance your experience. The pristine bathroom beckons for those who wish to rejuvenate before delving into an intimate sensory journey.

If you invite Mia to your residence or suite, she will come equipped. With premium massage oils and tranquil melodies, Mia's presence is always punctual, respectful, and discreet.

Experience the Pinnacle of Sensual Massages with Mia

Whether you're intrigued by the tantalising Aqua Massage, the intimately close Nuru Massage, or the symphony of the Four Hands Massage, Mia offers a tailor-made voyage for your senses. To craft the perfect journey, relay your preferences to our attentive Customer Liaison at your reservation, ensuring Mia's sanctuary is attuned to your every desire.


  • Nationality: Polish

Working Hours

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Main location: Paddington


Deposit Required: No


Get to know a little more about Mia

Mia has yet to complete their interview

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Paddington Masseuses Trending


Age: 21-25

Incall: Yes Outcall: Yes

Originally from Hong Kong, Julia is slim yet busty girl exclusive to Asian Massage London Team.  She has very polite manner, good understanding of English and mastering the art of companionship. She provides Tantric massage, Japanese Oil Massage, body to body and well prostate massage....



Age: 18-20

Incall: Yes Outcall: Yes

Mia is a perfect girl for a little more naughty services such as prostate massage, nuru massage or even 4 hands massage which is two girls performing a massage instead just one! Her sweet and innocent but very hot and flirty personality will make you remember this girl and beg for more time with her....



Age: 26-30

Incall: Yes Outcall: Yes



Useful information

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