Tuesday , February 18 2025

Average Shag Take How Long!

Average shags takes how long? Imagine you have booked an attractive female escort. One thing leads to another and you end up in bed together. Then disaster strikes as you spew a load within minutes. What can you do about that?

Are you a fan of the quickie, or do you want to take your time over it? Have you ever wandered how long the average shag takes?

Well, prepare yourself for a shocker. An article in the NYMag discovered that the average shag lasts just six minutes. The article explored our perceptions of sex, and our aspirations for length, and discovered that the average shag lasts for only six minutes – that’s almost quick enough to get done in an ad break, especially these days when the ads are getting as long as the programmes themselves.

Not that a quick shag is a bad thing. Plenty of you out there are big fans of the quickie. However, if you’ve booked yourself a drop dead gorgeous escort and you’ve clicked, you might find yourself in bed with her. Now remember you’re on the clock here. Too quick and that’s an expensive 6 minutes. Too long and you’ll be up for a big bill. Yes, of course you might want it to last a little longer at times. It’s nice to take your time over things and savour every moment.

What Does the Average Shag Mean?

Another thing, there’s the problem of averages. Mean averages in this case could give the (false) impression that everyone’s having the same kind of sex. Realistically, a six minute average means there’ll be some people who are done in a minute, and others who take much longer: neither of these is the wrong or right way to have sex, they just work better for different people.

Average Shag

When it comes to your own performance, what matters is whether you and the person you’re with are happy with your time. There’s no reason to spend ages on it just because you think you’re supposed to: it’s meant to be fun, not a tedious marathon of sweating and exercise where you’re challenging yourself to hold out for as long as possible. But if one or both of you are hankering for a bit longer, there are ways you can slow things down a bit, and make sure you make the most of it.

Ejaculation delay condoms

These are condoms that contain a lubricant on the inside that’s aimed at delaying orgasm. The idea is that it slightly numbs the wearer (only very slightly, and it’s only temporary so don’t worry!) so that it takes them just a bit longer to reach the finish line. This can be great if it’s penetrative sex you’re worried about, and if you’re looking to spend longer on the train-in-tunnel stuff. If you don’t normally wear condoms, and use another form of birth control/STI prevention, then simply using a regular condom may give you a boost in staying power.

Beat the Average Shag with Delay creams

There are lots of creams and gels on the market that are designed to hold you back from orgasm. You rub them (or spray them, depending on the type) onto your penis before sex, and they should give you a few extra minutes to play with. There are plenty of different kinds, so try a couple and work out which one’s right for you.

Prolonging Foreplay Outperforms the Average Shagger

OK, time for some real talk: most people don’t want to keep pounding away all night just for the sake of it. That can be costly and it can get boring. Usually the reason someone wants to last longer is that they want to make sure their partner has a good time.

No matter how much I try to persuade my partner that it’s fine for me to run around the bed afterwards singing ‘We are the Champions’, apparently sex is not a race.

If you’re worried that you’re not lasting long enough to give your partner an orgasm, then you can always give them an orgasm before you get down to the sex. Vibrators (I thoroughly recommend wand vibrators for powerful vibrations), tingling or sensual lubes, cock rings: all these things can enhance your partner’s pleasure. It’s not so much slowing yourself down as giving them a boost that might help them get where they want to be.

About Sharon Mason

I've been working with UK Adult Zone for more than 10 years now. I have met so many wonderful escorts and Dominatrix along the way. It is a buzz to see them doing so well. I am especially proud of the work we are doing to help keep service providers safe. Love to hear from you on Twitter. Despite the competition, I hope I am providing a great service to everyone that visits us.