Tuesday , February 18 2025

Boudoir Rouge: An informative blog about working girl life with advice, stories and experiences from both clients and escorts. 

TRIGGER WARNING!!! This blog contains information about s**t. Do not read if you have a weak stomach! 


Escort and Adult Zone writer Redhotrio speaks to Birmingham native, 58 year old Melvyn, who offers himself as a human toilet. 

Redhotrio: So how did all of this start? 

Melvyn: It was when I was a child, around seven years old. I remember being in line in the school canteen and I really needed to go to the toilet. I soiled myself because I couldn’t hold it. Whilst it was embarrassing, it made me feel good; I liked the sensation of the s**t on me. I got into lots of trouble with my mother when she found me pulling my s**t out of the toilet and rubbing it on my body. She took me to see a doctor, but back then they didn’t know about fetishes and things like that, so they sent me to see a psychiatrist who told my mum that it was a phase and I’d grow out of it because “boys always like being dirty.” I didn’t grow out of it. 

RHR: Did you keep doing it then? 

M: Yes, but hid it from my mum. When I was older and experimented with sex, I found that I couldn’t get an erection by having normal sex. The women I dated wanted me to f**k them silly and when I asked them to humiliate me they just laughed and told me to f**k off. My life changed when I had my first domination session with a proper domme. 

RHR: When was this then? Tell me all about it. 

M: I was 22 and I found her in those saucy ads at the back of the newspaper. She had a dungeon of sorts in her house and she tied me up and humiliated me completely. When I orgasmed, I think it was the first time I had actually done it through feeling complete pleasure, rather than w***ing off. The next time I went , we experimented with s**t play and I told her all about my s**t fetish. It snowballed from there. 

RHR: Did you see her for a long time? 

M: Yes, about eight years. We ended up becoming romantically involved because she also liked s**t and hardcore fetish stuff. We split up because that’s just what happens sometimes. Life got in the way and she wanted to expand her business and move to London. I didn’t want to leave Birmingham. I don’t like London, it’s too manic. I often think of our time together. 

RHR: So, you didn’t find another long term partner then? 

M: I did marry someone “normal”, and I had to hide my alternative lifestyle, but then I got sick of lying and sneaking around to see dominatrixes, so we divorced. I’m happier being single and spending my time living out my desires without impunity.

RHR: Do you offer yourself then as a toilet? Do they s**t in your mouth? M: Sometimes, yes. I started to advertise on fetish and swinger sites and I am often asked to meets to be humiliated and used by doms/dommes and I’m also booked for hardsports parties. 

RHR: Doesn’t the smell and taste put you off? 

M: No. When I’m in the zone I am numb and have no feeling. I am merely a receptacle for s**t and p***. The humiliation gives me extreme pleasure, which overrides the smell and taste. 

RHR: Aren’t you worried about catching something? 

M: You have to make sure that everyone involved has a clean cert. Afterwards we shower with shower gel and antiseptic. Then the play area must be cleaned thoroughly and disinfected. 

RHR: At these events, both men and women s**t on you? 

M: yes, though only women w**k me off. 

RHR: Do your friends and family know about this? 

M: No. I am highly secretive. They would never understand. It is a specialised desire, and if i couldn’t fulfil it, I would go mad. 

RHR: Which means that you will always be doing this. 

M: Yes. It’s the only way I can climax. To be honest, sex does nothing for me, but being w***ed off when my c**k’s covered in s**t makes me c** like a fountain. 

RHR: Do you hope to meet someone else like you for a long term relationship? M: Yes. It would be nice to share my twilight years with someone, but if I can’t find her then I will be equally as happy carrying on the way I am. 

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About Escort Rio

Redhorio is a London Escort and UK Adult zone contributor who has also contributed extensively to Escort Rankings, with numerous articles and interviews published under her "Red Hot Rio Escorting Advice" Title. We are grateful to have someone with so much first hand knowledge and a great guage on the pulse of the UK escorting industry.