Escort and UK Adultzone writer Redhotrio interviews Abel, 59, a client from Leeds who enjoys blood play.
WARNING!! This blog may cause those of a sensitive disposition to dry heave! Read at your own risk!
Redhotrio: What made you interested in this fetish?
Abel: I am an avid fan of horror movies, especially slashers and vampire films. I love practical effects- the blood has to look wet, not computer generated. I love sexy, naked women covered in blood. I find it a turn on. I also like to imagine myself drinking blood or being covered in it. That would be the ultimate for me.
RHR: Was there anything specific that happened when you were younger to trigger this fetish? A: I remember watching early vampire films because my mum also loved horror. She was a goth and that’s where I get my aesthetic from. In the 70s, it was Hammer films that got me going where there were always sexy women with heaving cleavages getting bitten. I like the redemption series of films and Vipco banned movies as they are bloody with plenty of sexual encounters. So I’d say exposure to sensual horror from an early age started all of this off.
RHR: You obviously can’t bleed someone out for real, so how do you satisfy your desires? A: I see a girl who offers extreme horror fetishes including vampire roleplay. We use stage blood and she pours it over her naked body then rubs against me so I can feel the texture on my skin and see it glistening on her t**s. She has had cosmetic dentistry and has permanent fangs so that is even better and more realistic for the play. She pretends to bite me and lets the fake blood run down my neck. That feels so sexy, it makes me instantly hard. We have also done a bloodbath where she bought some red gunge and mixed it with the bath water making it thick like blood. She f***ed me in the bloody water. I didn’t last long, it was so erotic.
RHR: Have you ever done anything with real blood?
A: Yes. The girl who does vampire roleplay used a surgical knife to make a small incision on her inner thigh. I lapped it up and then licked her p***y at the same time. The taste of blood drives me wild.
RHR: What does it taste like?
A: Metallic and vital- it tastes like life. I also have a different kind of blood which may shock you.
RHR: This is profound, I’m all ears!
A: I follow some content creators and fetish girls who sell used items. Namely, used tampons. I get them sent in an airtight bag. I prefer the girl to wear them when they are on a heavy flow to get it good and covered. I like to smell and look at the tampon for a while whilst I’m w**king off, then I suck it.
This is where I dry heaved..
Sometimes I boil water and put it in a cup like a teabag and let the blood drain out and drink it that way.
RHR: Aren’t you worried about hygiene and getting ill?
A: I’ve been lucky so far. The girls I use all get tested regularly and I’ve never been sick yet as I get the girls to send the goods first class so it’s fresh. It’s like anything, if you meet someone on a night out, they could have the flu and give you it. It’s the chance you take to reach ultimate gratification. The tampons give me the strongest orgasm as that’s the closest I can get to the fantasy I have in my head.
RHR: Does anyone know about your taste for blood?
A: Only the girls I use, who I pay very well for their discretion and now you.
RHR: I don’t know whether to be flattered or shocked!
A: Haha, I could never tell anyone. I know it’s strange but I like what I like and some people just couldn’t understand and would say that I was crazy.
RHR: Has this fetish stopped you from getting a full time partner?
A: Yes. I have had relationships in the past, but I love extreme sex. I need to f**k a girl hard and have her covered in fake blood. That’s what gets me off. I find vanilla sex so boring. I don’t see the point. You can still love someone and be extreme. The trick is to find someone as extreme as you are, but I haven’t found my match yet.
RHR: Are your family suspicious because you haven’t settled down now you’re approaching your 60s?
A: I’ve never married or had kids and my parents are dead now so it’s just me and my brother who I don’t see very often. We’re not close, so I suppose I don’t really have any family. My friends just think I’m an eccentric goth bachelor.
RHR: But aren’t you ever lonely?
A: Sometimes, but that’s why the girl who I see is on speed dial! I’ve never found someone who is on the same wavelength as me for a relationship, but I have plenty of friends who I go to gigs with and we have nights in at each other’s houses. Their wives always keep me well fed so I can’t complain.
RHR: What has been your favourite blood session so far?
A: Recently I told my regular girl about my tampon fetish and she let me eat her out and f**k her whilst she was on her period. I actually pulled the tampon out and sucked from the source. It was devine.She wasn’t really into blood play, but seeing how aroused I was, it turned her on. She wouldn’t want to ingest it, but she’s happy being the donor! She’s also a squirter so I got to drink p***y juice mixed with blood.
RHR: Do you know anyone else who is into this fetish?
A: I speak to lots of people online and there is a small group in London whom I am going to meet soon and who are holding an erotic vampire evening with plenty of fake blood play and I’m excited for that. I know my fetish is pretty out there, but I will never apologise for what I like. Gore gets me off and to me it’s normal even if it is horrific to somebody else.
If you are considering experimenting with this fetish, be advised to take extra care with hygiene, get tested regularly and keep on top of your sexual health and always play with someone you trust and feel safe with.
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