Tuesday , February 18 2025

Dogging Escorts, What’s It All About?

Dogging escorts can be found at UK Adult Zone. If you want to step into a whole new world of erotic fun with a dogging hobby, start here.

For some people the excitement of the bedroom is just not enough. Many people like to experiment, whether that’s with swinging or something more obscure like a fetish party.

One sex activity that seems to attract a fair number of people, and is increasing in popularity, is dogging. Not just any old form of dogging but dogging carried out in barely concealed beauty spots and car parks across the country.

What is Dogging?

Let’s get started with some definitions. Dogging is an English term for the practice of either watching or engaging in a sexual act in a public place. Most people associate it with car parks in the middle of nowhere, where people of both sexes drive to indulge in sexual encounters.

But it doesn’t have to be that. It can be a back garden that can be viewed from a public space or beaches, sometimes even cemeteries; on occasion it is carried out indoors in places like cinemas and public toilets.

The practice seems to have started in the UK, fuelled in recent times by access to the internet, but there is now evidence that it is spreading to other countries around the world.

Who Does It?

Dogging includes certain aspects of voyeurism and people who like to watch others having sex as well as exhibitionism with people who like to be watched. It’s the perfect combination. There are specific sites around the country where dogging takes place at certain times but more and more dogging meet ups are advertised on the internet.

Where to Find Dogging Escorts?

Unless you know of a specific area in your town or city that is devoted to dogging, then you are ready to get started. If you are not too sure, you might want to try various Yahoo Groups to discover a new location.

Just make sure you get the location right.

dogging escorts

If you want to try this out in a friendly and controlled environment, you can do so with a willing escort. There are plenty of dogging escorts available if you search UK Adult Zone. If you have a regular escort, you might also want to ask her if she is interested.

Why Do People Do It?

Dogging is not for everyone. The main people who seem to enjoy it are those who like to be watched while having sex and those who love to watch. Others like it because of the excitement of having sex in public and the possible dangers this poses. There is some evidence that suggest dogging is more attractive to middle income and middle aged men and women who want to add a bit of spice to their lives but it’s not entirely clear whether this is true or not.

There are various bits of etiquette associated with dogging too, including flashing lights at potential doggers and putting on the light inside your car when you are open for viewing.

Dogging Safety Tips

Of course, if you are meeting strangers on the internet, then you have to think of your safety as a priority. While you are indulging in a secretive act, and could face prosecution if you are caught, it’s a good idea to check the lay of the land beforehand – make sure you have a way of getting out if you need to quickly. It goes without saying that you should make sure your valuables are secure including your mobile phone. Think carefully before you decide to go ahead. Join forums and get to know people on there in the first instance and make sure that it’s what you want to do.

While dogging is not everyone’s cup of tea, there is a whole community out there who happily indulge their fantasies in this way. Regular dogging enthusiasts will be able to tell you what it is all about and you can then see if it’s something you want to get involved in or try out for the first time.

Join in the Conversation

Next step, head over to the escorts that might want to get involved in some dogging action with you here.

Have you got a favourite location you want to share with us? Jump over to Twitter and share it with us. You might just find a few more new faces turning up..  #UKAdultDogging

About Sharon Mason

I've been working with UK Adult Zone for more than 10 years now. I have met so many wonderful escorts and Dominatrix along the way. It is a buzz to see them doing so well. I am especially proud of the work we are doing to help keep service providers safe. Love to hear from you on Twitter. Despite the competition, I hope I am providing a great service to everyone that visits us.