Tuesday , February 18 2025

Escorts Falling in Love, Dating an escort

Escorts falling love with their clients often get into hot water but on some occasions a fairy tale can come true.

Escorting means being independent and free. Right? At least that is what you would expect from the large financial rewards that can be gained from the business.

If you want to become a successful escort, one who earns a lot of money, you have to decide whether you build your career or you want to date someone. Is this really a trade-off? Unfortunately, the answer is mainly yes. Falling in love with a Clients is often a bad move.

Loving someone and dating should be seen as independent from your escort work.  Both activities demand your time. The more you get into one of them, the less time you have for the other one.

Dating a guy is possible. If you’re only at the very beginning of the relationship things are simple. However, things can get tricky when he wants to know more about your work.

More likely that your partner, whoever he is, would like you to stop your work as an escort and live your life with him alone. Are you going to be happy with that? How do you handle your partner?

When you talk to your new partner about your work, make sure to help him understand what you do and why you do it. For some people the why is important. Everyone has a life story and telling him yours might help him to understand what got you to where you are today.

He needs to understand that your work has an uncommon emotional and a physical stress associated with it. If he is to support you then he needs to be aware that your emotions, values and map of the world have been formed by the work you do.

If you decide to devote your time to your escorting business and you want to be hugely successful, it will come at a price. Often times, the price you pay is in having a warm, loving and mutually supportive relationship. Have you managed to succeed with both? How do you do it?

There are two things you need to bring to a relationship, if it is to work, if your time and your love. Constantly working with guys in emotionally fuelled circumstances might have lead to you holding back your emotions.

Have you ever fallen in love with your client?

You’re lucky if you haven’t. YET. Yes, now you cut down clients you begin to have feelings for because sometimes it’s easier to escape before it might get too far. Sooner or later you’ll meet “the guy”.

When you meet “the guy” it will become impossible to resist your feelings. That all sounds great. Do you carry on working? If so, then you know that you will inevitably encounter the emotional struggles that come with jealousy. It can happen early on or later in the relationship. Either way expect it and prepare for it. You may need to cope with the challenges of work and a relationship.

Imagine you’re already there, wanting to be with only one guy because you love him. You want to share your life with him. Having him always on your mind. Smelling his smell all the time on your skin, no matter how many times a day you have a shower. And you continue escorting.

  • How do you feel?
  • Does he know what you do to other guys?
  • Do you want to do all that stuff with those other men?
  • Can you cope with a stress?

But what will you do? Find another job? That might be just too boring or too damn difficult for you to do. Another option might be for you to become dependent on your love and his money; another precarious position to be in, although you know you can always go back to work if things don’t turn out as you expected.

A relationship with a Client can work but it will be difficult.

Make the right Choices

Everyday we have to make choices. Sometimes they are not seem to be difficult, we don’t even notice them in our everyday life. And then comes the moment when the choice is too big to stay unnoticed and we have to fall apart to go two ways simultaneously or sacrifice something in sake of your happy being ever after.

If you’re already stuck and see no hope, try reading this book, “Redeeming Love”, by Francine Rivers. A Story of Love That Won’t Let Go – No Matter What!” (available on Amazon). Maybe you will find a clue somewhere.


About Sharon Mason

I've been working with UK Adult Zone for more than 10 years now. I have met so many wonderful escorts and Dominatrix along the way. It is a buzz to see them doing so well. I am especially proud of the work we are doing to help keep service providers safe. Love to hear from you on Twitter. Despite the competition, I hope I am providing a great service to everyone that visits us.