Tuesday , February 18 2025

Escorts Near Me, Local Girls On Tap

Escorts near me have always been available when I need them. That’s the advantage of living near to Manchester and having a job that takes me down to London on business twice a month.

This week I wanted to share my experience of finding a black escort near me.

Waning Black Escorts Near Me

Like many punters I have a penchant for experimenting or going through phases. These phases usually centre on a specific fetish or kink or on a particular type of escort.

Early last year I went through a particular phase where I was lusting after black escorts near me. As with so many things, when you look for them they are never there but when you’re not interested, you see tons of them.

I searched the black escorts in Manchester and found a few there that too my fancy. I contacted one and we got into a dialogue.  Flora in Manchester was super friendly and sounded a lot of fun. I am sure she was in the paper some time back; something to do with a footballer.

Then I got asked to attend a meeting in London.

This was the break I was hoping for, I knew London would hold the key to a bucket full of black escort girls.

Before I headed down for the meeting, I browsed through the black escorts in London to see who I could find. I made contact with a few girls.

One in particular took my fancy. Huge tits and a slim waist. I finished up chatting with her and told her I would give her a call when I got down to the city in the next day or two.

Meeting Escorts Near Me in London

When it came to the time, I called her and she gave me an address. Not knowing London that well, I just hoped it would not be too rough an area. The last thing I wanted was to get scammed on a punt whilst on business.

With my fingers tightly crossed in the hope that her photos where genuine, I made my way over to her apartment. It turns out it was a basement flat. Typical London building. From the outside it looked great. From the inside, just a little shabby.

As for the black escort of choice. Perfect. Yes, the photos perhaps made her a little slimmer. The tits where still huge. That hairy mole on her face was a little off putting! It was small enough to ignore.

This ebony escort was alluring in her own way. She had that deep London growl of an accent and made it her priority to satisfy me in just the right way.

What a punt. Turned out great and finding an escort near me was not so difficult. Hey, I still had a gorgeous ebony Goddess in Manchester hanging on for me to make a booking.

After experiencing the power of that London black booty, I was ready to take on another. This time a little nearer to home.

The Take Away

I always think it is best to find two or three local escorts near me that I can rely on when I need some companionship.

I would also advocate finding at least two escort girls at locations you may find yourself travelling too on a regular basis.

This way, the risks of being disappointed are minimised.

About Sharon Mason

I've been working with UK Adult Zone for more than 10 years now. I have met so many wonderful escorts and Dominatrix along the way. It is a buzz to see them doing so well. I am especially proud of the work we are doing to help keep service providers safe. Love to hear from you on Twitter. Despite the competition, I hope I am providing a great service to everyone that visits us.