Tuesday , February 18 2025

Escorts with Breast Implants, 5 Things You May Not Want to Know

Escorts with breast implants are increasingly popular. There are a bunch of reasons why escorts might consider a boob job. There are the usual suspects such as self esteem. However, when it comes to a profession where the way you look matters, the reasons for a boob job are a little more complex.

We don’t have the time to delve into the myriad of reasons for a breast implant procedure. For ageing escorts it could be to compete with younger escorts with bread implants or to address the changes that occur in the ageing process.

WatchMojo put together an freekishly entertaining video for you to watch.

Do Escorts with Breast Implants Live Longer?

We found a great video with 5 things you may not know about implants. Did you know that women with implants tend to be healthier? Crazy, I know. It turns out research proves that. Although there is a downside, they also have a greater propensity towards suicide.

Now the link with breast augmentation is a little grey here.

The fact is that women who have implants tend to have more confidence and self worth issues. Now, as we mentioned earlier, escorts with breast implants are more likely to have undergone surgery for different reasons. So, you might find a very healthy mature escort with a great set of knockers on your next punt!

Are there Silicone Alternatives?

The video below shows us some cheeky alternatives to Silicone. Seriously, you will be amazed how daft people can be when it comes to budget boob jobs. We hope the escorts on UK Adult Zone are a lot more intelligent that to try to cut corners on such a massive operation.

Maybe you feel a little more informed and perhaps a little freeked out! Give it a minute or two and you will be back searching for escorts with giant boobs!

About Sharon Mason

I've been working with UK Adult Zone for more than 10 years now. I have met so many wonderful escorts and Dominatrix along the way. It is a buzz to see them doing so well. I am especially proud of the work we are doing to help keep service providers safe. Love to hear from you on Twitter. Despite the competition, I hope I am providing a great service to everyone that visits us.