Tuesday , February 18 2025

Robot Sex Wars Becoming a Reality

Robot sex? Is that possible? The age of having sex with robots is coming closer and closer to us.

Projects have been underway aimed at fulfilling this concept. They have had a fascinating track record of success and a level of execution beyond what was first thought possible.

Scientists have created robots that look almost like people. These sex robots even act like people and think like people. Things are moving at a pace.

Would rorbots substitute escorts or a human? And what is it like to have sex with a robot?

The New York Times Presents us with an intriguing insight into the prospect of Sex Robots.

Programming Your Sex Robot

With robotes, you can expect to order your sex whenever you want. Perfect. Indeed, you can program it to have sex with you on command. Anytime, anywhere, anyhow. What more could a guy as for! For those who feel disadvantaged in their sex life, this opportunity will be a real discovery.

You can program it to please you according to your needs. You can set a number of sex positions you like, set its behaviour, tell it what you like and what you don’t and make it do it.

  • No STD dangers
  • Safe Sex
  • No Condom required
  • No Pills needed
  • No saying no!

Seriously. Perfect conditions for those who are sick of condoms or visiting doctors.

Sex Robot Wars

With a Robot you get no emotional attachment. Of course, scietists will equip robots with artificial intelligence so that they will think smarter than people. But what about emotional attachment? Would it be the same as with real person? Really, you want that? No, maybe this a good thing for some. It’s one thing to have a sex toy; quite another to replace the wife or girlfriend. (Steady guys!!).

A Sex Robot is unlikely to make you explode from the inside. What we’re talking about here are the ore feelings towards a real person that can make you feel the rising desire inside and let it out while having sex with him/her. Robots cannot give you that, for sure! If they ever do, it’s time you got out more!

Of course, it can feel a little weird and it is certainly unusual. Would you really feel comfortable in the company of a sex robot? This sounds weird anyway, because we uderstand they are not alive and they just execute the program they’ve been given.

They are not human beings. Escorts provide companionship, an erotic encounter adventure coupled with the real touch of another human being. The satisfaction they deliver helps guys continue living their happy life and can support them in meeting their goals. With the upcoming age of robots everything is can change.

Guys. Remember, we can be replaced too..

How robots will affect our sex life? Connect with us on Twitter.

Let’s hope meeting this age of the Sex Robot wont be like this for us.

Follow us on Twitter and let us know what you think #ukadultzone #robosex

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About Sharon Mason

I've been working with UK Adult Zone for more than 10 years now. I have met so many wonderful escorts and Dominatrix along the way. It is a buzz to see them doing so well. I am especially proud of the work we are doing to help keep service providers safe. Love to hear from you on Twitter. Despite the competition, I hope I am providing a great service to everyone that visits us.