Boudoir Rouge: An informative blog about working girl life with advice, stories and experiences from both clients and escorts.
Escort and UK Adultzone writer Redhotrio talks to Glasgow escort Amelia, who is a “pet”. Amelia, 23, is paid a handsome sum to live full time as a pet.
Redhotrio: So really it’s like you are escorting or being a sugar baby 24/7… Amelia: Yes. He pays for everything, I’m his property.
RHR: Isn’t that a bit daunting though? What if he tires of you and you are discarded with nowhere to live?
A: We discussed this at the beginning. For my complete submission and to be his pet and plaything he must deposit money into my bank account, almost like savings, then eventually once he tires of me, or I no longer wish to be in this position, then I’m taken care of.
RHR: You are obviously business savvy. How can you be so intelligent, yet be a pet, controlled by his man?
A: I can make myself switch off once I’m in the role. I go numb and just go with the flow. It’s nice to be taken care of. I’m not a slave, that’s a totally different thing. He pays for me to have my hair and nails done and he buys all of the clothes that he wants me to wear. I look like a pornstar and he gets off on men looking at me. A couple of months ago he paid for my boob job. I’m now a JJ.
RHR: But that’s very permanent! What happens when you have to live your life afterwards? A: I can always have a reduction. Everything is fixable, but I like them so I think I’ll be keeping them. I have a nice lifestyle. Sure I have to clean like a housewife does and make his meals but I’m not chained up or punished like in a hardcore BDSM relationship.
RHR: How did this even happen in the beginning?
A: I was a normal escort before this and I’d seen this wealthy guy several times. He’d taken me for dinner to nice restaurants and on our third or fourth meeting, he mentioned about me being his pet- living with him and giving total control of my life to him and doing whatever he wanted,
as is his fetish. His home is fabulous and even has a pool. I agreed as long as my stipulations and money were met. I moved out of my flat and in with him a week later.
RHR: But don’t you ever want to be “off” and not have to cater to his whims? A: I get time to be myself when he’s at work. I’m not a prisoner, I can go shopping if I want to, though he does prefer to accompany me and would rather I stay at home until he finishes work.
RHR: Do you think that this is stopping you from having the carefree life that most girls your age have?
A: I look at it as an investment. I’m realistic, I know he will find another pet eventually, so I’m making as much as I can now and once I’m no longer doing this, I can go back to my life.
RHR: I just feel like he’s stopping you from being your own person. I could never be told what to do by a man!
A: I must admit, it was challenging at first, but I’ve been with him a year now. I know once I get a bit older that he will want a younger model. I know he doesn’t love me, it’s convenience and fulfilling a fetish- a pretty plaything to mould and f**k.
RHR: What does your family think about it?
A: My mum has actually met the guy and finds him charming. She told him to look after me. Of course she isn’t aware of the whole situation. She just thinks he’s my boyfriend. I couldn’t tell her I’m his pet, she’d be crushed.
RHR: What do you want to do afterwards?
A: I’m going back to normal escorting for a while to find my feet and then I’ll have to look for a new flat. But eventually, I think I want to be a pilates instructor or something to do with fitness and wellbeing.
RHR: You’re young so I suppose I can kind of see your reasoning in making a lot of money pandering to a rich guy. I applaud you, I couldn’t do it.
A: It becomes second nature after a while. You get used to it.
RHR: Have you had any negative comments?
A: Not really because to the outside world, we are boyfriend and girlfriend. There was an issue with one of his friends at a christmas party. His friends are all businessmen and use escorts or have sugar babies as they don’t have time for regular relationships. His friend came onto me and there was a bit of a scuffle! He is very protective and possessive of his pet!
RHR: What is the most memorable thing that has happened to you during this experience so far?
A: He took me on the Orient Express for my birthday. It was very romantic, even though we don’t have those sorts of feelings for each other. We ate gourmet food and had amazing sex in our luxury sleeper car. He bought me several outfits for the trip and some expensive lingerie.
RHR: A shame you couldn’t do that with your actual boyfriend. If you leave do you get to keep all of the clothes?
A: Yes. They are gifts and rewards for my service as a good pet.
RHR: Have you ever felt unsafe with him?
A: No. I wouldn’t have gone into this if I didn’t trust him. However, if he ever gets rambunctious, I will leave and can drop the subservient ruse at any time. This is as much for my benefit as it is his.
RHR: What would you say to someone who wants to be a pet or a full time sugar baby?
A: You have to be dedicated to your craft and realise that it’s not easy doing it 24/7- it’s a lot. But if you’re willing to pause your life for a while, then there are serious financial gains to be made from it. Suss out a potential owner beforehand and discuss terms at the beginning so that you are both getting what you want out of it.
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