Chesterfield Massage Parlour
Tantric Desires
Age: 18-20
My name is Lana Cox and I have created Tantric Desires Massage which is located in a discreet, private location in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK and features a beautifully clean therapy room which is well decorated and nicely scented with candles and fresh towels.Showers are also provided for guest to use. I am versed in the following mass...
Hi, my name is Tantric Desires
My name is Lana Cox and I have created Tantric Desires Massage which is located in a discreet, private location in Chesterfield, Derbyshire, UK and features a beautifully clean therapy room which is well decorated and nicely scented with candles and fresh towels.Showers are also provided for guest to use. I am versed in the following mass...
Love and kisses Tantric Desires